Put all the chances on your side for your job search
Automate your jobs applications on Linkedin.
How it works?
How the service works
Specify your search criteria
Provide your resume
Install the Chrome extension
Simplify your search, target specific offers and save time
Key Feature #1
Automation of your applications
Once your search is created and the Chrome extension installed, you no longer need to spend hours browsing job offers. Each daily startup of Chrome triggers a search on Linkedin for new job offers.
Key Feature #2
Target the companies you want
You have the possibility to target specific companies either by name or by indicating the size of the desired company (Start-up, SME, Large company). You can also specify whether you are looking for a final company or a consultancy company.
Key Feature #3
Job offer summaries
Thanks to artificial intelligence, summaries of job descriptions are available for the offers to which our tool has applied for you. This allows you to quickly understand the content of the job offer.
Key Feature #4
Filtering application refusal emails
Tired of constantly receiving application rejections from bots without your resume having been seen by a human. Change things up with Cleafive and automate the filtering of these emails. This way, you can keep your mind at ease (and your inbox clean) so you can focus on the emails that really deserve your attention.